Sunday, November 4, 2007

You never can tell...

Wandering about with my curiosity leading me to the edges, I quite naturally was curious enough to give a look. One item, Mystery of the Black Triangle UFOs, immediately drew interest because of a past incident. A distinctly similar gizmo was sighted over Phoenix, AZ around the millenium, causing quite a stir.
UFOs are reported in all kinds of different shapes and sizes. From round, ball-like shapes, square boxes, cigars, to the traditional flying saucer. Out of all of these configurations, triangular-shaped UFOs seem to be receiving more attention and publicity recently.

Beginning in the early 1980's many countries, including the United States, have experienced mass-sightings of triangle UFOs, all with similar characteristics such as shape, sound, lighting and flight patterns. Seen with increasing frequency, several excellent photos and videos have been taken of these strange craft. Nevertheless, despite these photos, no good explanation has yet surfaced to account the nature of these remarkable UFOs. Link

One passage in particular, "One of these bases was NATO controlled near the city of Glons..." has the potential of being one of those 'what is going on with that?' things. How many bases staffed by who and paid for by whom? The 'where?' is a given.

I will share any nuggets.

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